Friday, November 18, 2005

And that was that

I was finally laid off today. Well the official phrase is dismissed due to ill health but that sounds a bit punitive so I'll stick with laid off. I've been off sick for 15 months now and it doesn't seem as if I'll be better any time soon so it's fair enough that they've let me go. Still feels weird though. Even though I haven't been at work for so long I still feel part of the team and the organisation. They said they'd be delighted to have me back as soon as I'm fit so the door is still ajar. I've asked if we could have my leaving do at the same time as the Christmas do because if the focus was on me for the evening I think I'd wibble a bit. I feel quite liberated at the same time and I'm hoping that I can now focus on what makes me happy i.e being creative. I tried it in the 'real' world and didn't like it - not long before I become the mad goat lady of Cledry.


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