Saturday, February 03, 2007

Wool rovings for sale

Here they be:

I've decided to sell the Poll Dorset rovings after all. If anyone's interested the details are here

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Textiles Bowl

I'm still doing the Textiles A level. My attendance has been sporadic for all the obvious reasons but I managed to finish the 2 first assignments. The first one was a cushion cover and a couple of A1 worksheets based on a piece of art of our choice. I chose a Georgia O Keefe piece as I loved the colours. It's all packed away in my portfolio at the moment so I can't photograph it but when it comes out again I will. What I can show you is the piece I finished yesterday. It's based on the theme of water and we had to develop our ideas and come up with a finished piece of our choice. I was intending to do a wall hanging but, best laid plans and all that, when I laid it out I wasn't happy. I took the central piece off and decided to turn it into this:

I'm still pining for ceramics (damn those pesky glazes!) so it feels good to still be able to make vessels. I'm very pleased with it. I've got a shot of the insides but Blogger is playing silly bloggers so you'll have to wait for that. The inside is really shimmery with sparkly fibres and the photo doesn't do it justice.

Anyway - just thought I'd share one thing I've been up to :)
The Spinning Wheel
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